Isla and Mom visit the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta!
Here’s the deal: facing the reality that your child is rapidly losing her vision is ONE. TOUGH. PILL. to swallow. We were faced with the choice to crumble and let our grief consume us or put our good days to use and see everything we can while we can. When it comes to making visual memories I don’t know how we could top today. Isla and I had the amazing opportunity to watch the breathtaking New Mexico sun rise over the mountains as we sailed across Albuquerque. I have never seen my daughter enjoy an experience more in her life, and I am truly grateful for everyone who came together to help me organize this trip for her. When I said it, I meant it…#NoBadDays
Special thank you to our family, Got the Hotz Flight Crew, the wonderful patrons of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, and everyone who has supported Isla's Faith: Isla Edwards' Fight Against CLN3 Batten Disease